Parish Council

In this section you can find information about the Parish Council by using the menu options listed.

Who are we?

We are the first tier of local government for the parish of Upper Rawcliffe with Tarnacre. The Council consists of six elected members serving a four-year term. A Chairman is elected annually at the May meeting.

What do we do?

We are funded by a Precept which is set annually according to our needs and is added to the annual Council Tax bill. We are empowered to provide facilities and services to the community. One of our principal functions is to provide a Lengthsman service to remove litter from our roads and to maintain our public spaces.

What don’t we do?

Generally we do not carry out any services which are undertaken by a higher tier of government, such as Wyre Council of Lancashire County Council.

How can you get involved?

You can come along to our meetings, details of which are published on this site and on the notice board near the Church. You will be made very welcome and will be given the opportunity to address the Council and to ask questions. If you live or work in the Parish and can spare the time, you can also put yourself forward for election.